Pauca Verba is Latin for A Few Words.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Intercessions ~ Seventh Sunday of Easter

We pray for the Church of God / asking that where it is weak,/ sinful or mistaken/ - integrity would be restored and spiritual energy rediscovered./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for travelers and their safety./ For soldiers and sailors who are damaged by war./ For the healing of our families and friends/ mindful of those who are sick/, in troubled marriages,/ or where there is addiction or financial problems./ We pray to the Lord.

We ask that our personal,/ familial and communal prayer would be heartfelt/ and that we would know true repentance for our own sins/ and the sins of the Church and the world./ We pray to the Lord.

In the season for weddings/ we ask God to bless the couples who will marry this summer,/ asking that they would be strengthened for the self-sacrifice required of a lasting and happy marriage./ We pray to the Lord.

As the feast of Pentecost approaches,/ we ask for a new out-pouring of the Holy Spirit that will bear an increase of faith,/ hope and love around the world./ We pray to the Lord.

We continue our prayer for the countries of the world,/ today praying for the people and lands of Greece,/ Greenland,/ Grenada,/ Guadeloupe,/ Guam,/ Guatemala and Guinea./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for the children of the world who are on their way to birth,/ asking that they be welcomed and protected/ rather than refused or rejected./ We pray to the Lord.

And we pray for those who have died,/ asking for the forgiveness of sins/ and the peaceful and full life of the Kingdom./ We pray to the Lord.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

For His Kindness is Everlasting

These delicate wildflowers, which are blooming now, are called bluets. They seem to be native to the North East Pennsylvania river lands. Quaker Ladies and Innocence are their lovely local names.

As close to the ground as they are found, they can be seen from a distance in dense patches, or if left alone in a lawn they can form impressive sprays of pink, white, lavender or blue. 

Here they get to bloom only a short while before the tractor takes them down with the first lawn cutting. But this year I successfully (!) moved two good-sized clumps of white and lavender bluets just a few feet where they will be safe from the mower and realized that, as with so many of the very lovely forest flowers, their root systems are shallow, found just below the soil line.

What a delight this year watching the forest green, seemingly from bottom to top, and paying close attention to the tremendous flower-fern variety found there. The woods were packed with thick ice this past winter and still the native flowers, with their shallow root systems, are appearing with vigor. So this spring I've recognized the forest as an image of  our own stories of survival.

Perhaps as the Easter time draws to a close we might call to mind some particular story of survival in our own lives or family life. That we have survived:

  • family alcoholism
  • domestic violence
  • life threatening illness
  • accident
  • sex abuse
  • depression
  • suicide attempt
  • a broken heart
  • war
  • an attack
  • mental illness 
  • imprisonment
  • loneliness
  • failure
  • addiction

As life goes, we're as vulnerable as a bunch of shallow-rooted bluets in a severe winter. O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his kindness is everlasting. Psalm 106:1

Sunday, May 25, 2014

When The Doors Are Locked

CHRISTMAS HAS ITS OWN WONDER: A holy Mother with her Infant, shepherds and angels, a traveling star and guests from the East. But so does Easter: An angel conversation at the tomb, the love of the myrrh-bearing women, Magdalen thinking the Risen Jesus is the gardener, the faith-proclamation of Thomas, Jesus preparing breakfast on the beach for the down-spirited apostles.

And there is one Easter theme we might consider as soon the season will pass. It is Jesus appearing to the apostles, though the room where they have gathered is locked.

Jesus doesn't have a spare key.
He doesn't break down the door.
No one lets him in.
He appears (it is really Jesus!) despite the locked doors!

But what does it mean? Remember metaphor doesn't mean something is not real but rather it is most real because we experience it in some deeply personal way. 

We all have our locked up place. It isn't the computer requiring a password. It isn't the car parked on a city street. It isn't the office containing personal papers. But the locked place which concerns Jesus is my inner psychological place, my emotional room, my mind of memories, my heart which can be broken, perhaps a spiritual place.

But remember, the apostles are locked in for fear. And while we can lock ourselves in for fear, we might also lock ourselves in for shame, anger or sadness. Spiritual work begins by naming these inner places.

Some people live in inner rooms circling in sorrow or hate. Rehearsing old memories and wounds seemingly forever.

I was abused.
I was taken advantage of.
I was dismissed.
I was abandoned.
I wasn't included.

And the resentment can be very deep. I might be nursing a time of mistaken-ness, immaturity, ignorance or squandering selfishness. Perhaps I can't let go of a time ruined by a choice I made - an even deadly choice. Anyway, we might imagine ourselves in the felt misery of that inner room, and then this prayer.

The key may be lost Lord Jesus,
The light dim, I can't see the door,
The room sealed up,
The barricades high,
The air, long ago gone bad.

But come in,
come in, 
let's leave this room
before the Easter Springtime's past.
Refresh in my mind,
you see me always
the Mother watching her children
for danger may be near.

Indeed, you see me always,
but as I was in the womb,
the day of my birth,
all new and filled with
God thought and
divine breath!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Intercessions ~ The Sixth Sunday of Easter

Pope Francis travels to the Holy Land this week./ We pray for his safety and blessings upon his visit./ We pray as well for Christians who are an increasingly small minority in that troubled part of the world./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray to follow more closely the Lord's gospel-command that we would love other people well:/ as we find them/ or as they may become./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for those parts of the world afflicted by drought./ For the gift of rain where it is longed for and needed./ We pray for those who suffer from fire and natural disasters./ We pray to the Lord.

We intercede for the countries of the world/ remembering the people and lands of:/ the French Southern Territories,/ Gabon,/ Gambia,/ Georgia,/ Germany,/ Gibraltar and Great Britain./ We pray to the Lord.

The month of May will end soon - Mary' Month./ We ask for an increase of her virtues among us:/ her humility,/ perseverance,/ faith and enduring service./ We pray to the Lord.

We call to mind the sick,/ the war-injured,/ the children of the world,/ those exploited, enslaved, forgotten./ We ask for the healing of hearts that cause others sorrow and pain./ We pray to the Lord.

It is Memorial Day weekend./ We pray for the repose of those who have died as soldiers and sailors around the world./ And we boldly pray for the vision of the Prophet Isaiah to be realized: That swords would be turned into farm tools./ We pray to the Lord.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

A Rosary for Young People ~ The Fifth Luminous Mystery ~ Jesus Gives the Gift of the Eucharist

Our Father Who art in Heaven...

Tintoretto is the painter of this picture of the Last Supper. Jesus told his apostles: I have long desired to eat the Passover Meal with you. That Jewish feast, and its meal, remembers the ancient Hebrew people being freed from slavery and death. Jesus is our Passover from death to life and inner slavery to freedom.

Hail Mary full of grace...

In Tintoretto's painting there are many more people in the room than just the twelve apostles. The crowds wanted an earthly king with power, but Jesus came to show God's friendship with us in love. How boring, many thought. Now on the night of the Last Supper, some are waiting and watching to see if Jesus will be the earthly king or not. Even his friends leave him in the end. 

Hail Mary full of grace...

Jesus wants to be the companion to all the people of the earth until the end of time. He promises to stay with us in his Body and Blood, wearing the appearance of bread and wine.

Hail Mary full of grace...

This promise is Jesus' gift from heaven and so Tintoretto has painted heaven opening up and angels filling the dining room as Jesus gives the Holy Food of his Body and Blood. 

Hail Mary full of grace...

This Last Supper with his friends happens the night of Jesus' arrest. The next day will be Friday - the day of his suffering and death on Mount Calvary. And so, as he breaks the bread and passes the cup to each, he is really pointing to the self-gift he will make the next day on the cross.

Hail Mary full of grace...

Jesus gave himself completely to the Father on the cross. But he didn't just do this 2000 years ago! Jesus gives himself in love all the time and forever. When we come to Mass we receive this gift of his love. We step into angel-time and are at Calvary with Mary under the cross. Jesus' gift is for each of us and all of us.

Hail Mary full of grace...

The bread is broken and given away. The cup is passed, poured out and emptied. But even before he did this, Jesus washed the feet of the apostles as a sign of servant-love. He tells us we must do the same. This painting shows Jesus sharing the supper with the poorest children from Manila. Everyone belongs at the table of Jesus!

Hail Mary full of grace...

The family of Jesus comes to the table. The Eucharist calls us to a new kind of heart. Receiving Holy Communion means having a heart that continues to open and expand to the world, especially where the world is hungry.

Hail Mary full of grace...

When the ancient Hebrews wandered in the desert and were hungry, God fed them with bread they found each morning on the desert floor. Now Jesus is our bread from heaven. He feeds us with himself on our own journey - the journey of becoming the full-grown children of God. We might call that desire a hunger.

Hail Mary full of grace...

When we are at Mass heaven and earth touch. The Risen Jesus feeds his people. So Communion also gives us a new way of looking at other people. See the little word union in Communion. We can't receive Holy Communion and be okay with divisions, arguing and hatred.

Hail Mary full of grace...

Glory be to the Father...

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Feast of the Vladimir Mother of God Icon ~ Feast May 21

It is truly meet
 to call thee blessed, the Theotokos, 
the ever blessed.
All immaculate and the Mother of our God.
More honorable than the cherubim
 and incomparably more glorious
than the seraphim, 
who without defilement
gave birth to God the word
true Theotokos we magnify thee.

Byzantine Liturgical Hymn

A Rosary for Young People ~ The Fourth Luminous Mystery ~ The Transfiguration

Our Father Who art in heaven...

Jesus had just given the apostles the troubling news that he would be rejected and have to suffer much. But Jesus won't let his friends stay in the sadness of that news. How kind Jesus is, he has a plan that will lift their hearts.

Hail Mary full of grace...

And so Jesus went up Mount Tabor with Peter, James and John. In the Bible, whenever someone goes up a mountain it is a sign: God is here. That's why monks often live in mountain places - a reminder that God is what matters first and most.

Hail Mary full of grace...

And then the the face of Jesus became as dazzling as the sun and his clothes as radiant as light. It is as if the door to Easter has been opened and the apostles look inside to the future. It is God's future plan of victory for Jesus, but also for us. The dying and rising of Jesus will win the contest.

Hail Mary full of grace...

See the beautiful opening in the sky behind Jesus. It is the heavenly space that has opened up and from which the voice was heard, "This is my beloved Son, listen to him."  There is so much talking and so little listening. A Russian saying goes: Where there are many words, sin cannot be avoided. 

Hail Mary full of grace...

If the world listened to Jesus, there would be peace, people would have the food and clean water they need, all the children would be able to go to school, the plants and animals would have their forest or watery worlds given back to them. Someone might say, "You're just a dreamer!" Yes, God's dream!

Hail Mary full of grace...

The light is too much for the three apostles. They fall down before the illuminated Jesus. Peter tries to speak. James and John even have to cover their eyes before the brightness of Jesus showing God's light. The word for this shining is deified. We're all supposed to shine with something of God's light. Maybe we could begin with the warmth of our eyes and our smile.

Hail Mary full of grace...

On the way down the mountain Jesus told Peter, James and John not to tell anyone about the bright vision until after Easter.  He was thinking that the people wouldn't understand or that they would only be interested in him because they wanted to see something spectacular. 

Hail Mary full of grace...

Any word that has trans in it is a word that means action: from this to that, from here to there.  Transfiguration means a change in the appearance of Jesus from ordinary to God-radiant - like at Easter. We can hope for our own transfiguration and the transfiguration of the world - growing and changing to show that we are all children of God - children of the light.

Hail Mary full of grace...

Remember, before the brightness of Easter, Jesus had said he must walk the way of suffering. Much of the world suffers everyday. But we often complain so much about even the tiniest suffering. We could all try to complain less. Let's count blessings instead.

Hail Mary full of grace...

Jesus led the apostles up the mountain and then down the mountain. Our lives are like that, aren't they: up and down and up and down. Sometimes we feel it very deeply. But along the way of success and failure, sorrow and joy, progress and setback, Jesus-God is there. Let's keep moving he seems to say, God is here with us!

Hail Mary full of grace...

Glory be to the Father...

Monday, May 19, 2014

A Rosary for Young People ~ The Third Luminous Mystery ~ Jesus Announces God's Kingdom

Our Father Who Art in Heaven...

Here Jesus is standing on the top of the little mountain. He is telling everyone about the Kingdom of God. But what is that? Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. The Kingdom of God means that we would make God's desires happen the way angels do!

Hail Mary full of grace...

Often in pictures of Jesus teaching there are only men nearby. But this picture has women very close to Jesus. In fact they seem to be paying much more attention to him than the men who are whispering and distracted. Every person is invited to help make God's dream for the world come true.

Hail Mary full of grace...

Jesus said, "The time has come and the rule of God is near; repent, and believe this good news." Jesus invites me to turn my life in the direction of making God's intentions real on earth. God's heart-changing nearness is good news for our world wherever it happens.

Hail Mary full of grace...

When Jesus goes up the mountain to announce God's rule he tells us that the way to follow that rule is to love people - especially the people who others don't love. Sometimes these people are far away and at other times they are nearby. 

Hail Mary full of grace...

"Announce the good news to all of creation," Jesus teaches that the wonderful news of God's rule is to protect all life. There are monks who when walking in the woods place their feet carefully so they don't step on ferns just starting to appear in the spring.

Hail Mary full of grace...

Brother Christian was a monk who came from France to Algeria to live among Christians and Muslims who often have not lived together peacefully. He and six other monks shared their vegetables, money, medicine and gardening tools with Muslims and opened their home so Muslims would have a room to pray. Christian said, "Let us build the Kingdom of God through friendship, trust and good deeds."

Hail Mary full of grace...

When an enemy came into the monastery carrying guns and demanding to talk to the brother in charge, Christian came out and said, "I will only talk with you if we go outside the gate; there are no weapons allowed on this property."  The Kingdom of God is peaceful.

Hail Mary full of grace...

Often people think that winning is the only thing that matters: winning the game, winning the contest, winning the big money. It's mean to hurt someone's feelings by calling him or her a loser. But the only way I'm a loser is if there is hate in my heart. In the Kingdom of God there is no room for hate.

Hail Mary full of grace...

The Kingdom of God announces justice. Justice means what is best for all people, not just for some. An awful lot has to change in this world to make that part of God's rule happen. Some people just can't see it. They're afraid it will mean sharing which will leave them uncomfortable.

Hail Mary full of grace...

In Japan there are monks who live on the top of a mountain. They never use chemicals to clean the kitchen or bathroom because they know that would ruin the water supply of the people who live at the bottom of the mountain. Setting up the Rule of God says think about other people when making decisions.

Hail Mary full of grace...

Glory be to the Father...

Sunday, May 18, 2014

A Rosary for Young People ~ The Second Luminous Mystery ~ The Wedding at Cana

Our Father Who art in Heaven...

This wedding miracle is called a Luminous Mystery. Luminous means showing light. We need light for our bodies to grow but also light to become excellent people inside. This is called virtue. Let's ask Jesus to give us virtues, like: obedience, humility, love, patience, self-control, peace, generosity and energy for God!

Hail Mary full of grace...

Jesus and Mary were invited to a wedding in the little village of Cana. God is sending this message to us: Even though the world is tired and people sometimes do terrible things, I love that world, like a husband loves his new bride.

Hail Mary full of grace...

Wine isn't just a drink for parties in Jesus' time, but a sign of God's heart-to-heart agreement with us: I will be your God and you will be my people. Now Jesus makes a huge amount of wine - he's the new place where we find the heart of God!

Hail Mary full of grace...

Mary is the first to notice that the wedding has run out of wine. She has a Mother's heart - always on the lookout for upset, trouble or sadness. Let us go to her!

Hail Mary full of grace...

In the Bible wine is also a sign of astonishment. Astonishment means something is startling, surprising, even shocking. Isn't it astonishing that in Jesus, God has come to be with us in our world to share God's light and to love us so?

Hail Mary full of grace...

Wine is made from grapes and grapes grow on vines. And every year the farmer has to cut back the vines so new leaves and grapes can grow. Sometimes we have to be kind of cut back before new growing can happen in us. Oh Jesus, cut back the moodiness in me so it is easier for people to live with me!

Hail Mary full of grace...

But when the grape vines are cut back one drop of water (like a tear) appears at the end of the branch. God knows all about the tears of the world. Truly, God has joined us in our world of tears and promises that we are not alone. Jesus, dry our tears and lift up our heads!

Hail Mary full of grace...

When Mary told Jesus that the wine was gone, Jesus said, "Let's mind our own business, my hour has not yet come." He knows that if he performs a miracle some people will turn against him and say, "Who does he think he is, doing God's work?" But Mary seems to know something about God's secret and she tells the waiters, "Do what Jesus tells you."

Hail Mary full of grace...

Sometimes when people feel sick and weak they are dehydrated, but they don't know it. They think the problem is something else. Their bodies are running out of liquid. The world is thirsty and dehydrated for love and peace, dehydrated for truth and understanding. Jesus can take away this inner thirst ~ Oh, let us listen to him!

Hail Mary full of grace...

The Bible tells us that wine makes hearts glad. And at the wedding Jesus made gallons and gallons of wine - a sign of himself. There are people who have all the things anyone could want, but no joy, while the poorest people in the world, the people who have nothing, do. Many of them will say, "But we have each other and Jesus, God-of-Love in our hearts."

Hail Mary full of grace...

Glory be to the Father...

Saturday, May 17, 2014

A Rosary for Young People ~ The First Luminous Mystery ~ The Baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan

Our Father Who art in Heaven...

This painting of Jesus' Baptism comes from Korea. It feels like morning with the mist on the Jordan River. There is a little breeze making the riverside grass bend. Musical angels fill the sky and heaven has opened sending us the Light of Knowledge. What's that? The Knowledge of how beautiful God is in Jesus Christ.

Hail Mary full of grace...

Jesus was baptized by John, who lived in the desert so there would be nothing to distract him from the thoughts of God. When John came out to the people his message was, "Turn, turn to Jesus ~ God is doing great work in him."

Hail Mary full of grace...

God had made us and all the creatures to show his beauty and light. But somewhere along the way human beings chose to go without God. This choice brought sadness into the world's story. But God came to find us and bring us back to himself. He began by taking back the water when Jesus stepped down into the river.

Hail Mary full of grace...

There was a crowd at the riverbank where John is baptizing. Even though Jesus is God, he is one of us and there is nothing to show he is different. The people had come to answer John's call to turn to God. Imagine being in that crowd! And I will give myself to God from my heart in some new way now as I offer this prayer.

Hail Mary full of grace...

Sometimes children play games turning round and around. But the real turning that human beings have to do is not a game but an inside turning from anger, hatred and selfishness to mercy and compassion. Mercy is doing good for others. Compassion is feeling deeply with people in their needs. 

Hail Mary full of grace...

Because the water belongs to God - the ice, snow, clouds, mist and fog, rain, streams, ponds, rivers and oceans - we must care for it, and all the plants and animals that live there.

Hail Mary full of grace...

Big word: Baptism is a lustration ~ a holy bath that makes us inwardly bright, radiant and new. Baptism announces, I am God's child. I even share God's wonderful energies. 

Hail Mary full of grace...

Sad to say, but the Jordan River is not a very clean river; it is muddy, polluted and full of slow moving twists and turns. Life is like that some times - difficult with wrong choices and sin along the way. But how wonderful ~ this is where Jesus joins us in love!

Hail Mary full of grace...

When Jesus came up out of the water the heavens opened and a voice was heard that said, "This is my pleasing Son." And the Spirit appeared like a dove. God is one, but God has an inner life of family and friendship. We call this the Holy Trinity.

Hail Mary full of grace...

At Baptism I was soaked and flooded with the life of the Holy Trinity. There is room for everyone and everything in God's circle of life and love: a baby just born, the animals that live deep in the forest, the flowers that grow in the desert where no one sees.

Hail Mary full of grace...

Glory be to the Father...

Friday, May 16, 2014

Intercessions ~ Fifth Sunday of Easter

Nearly three hundred miners died in Turkey this week./ We pray for their repose,/ for their grieving families/ and for those who do dangerous work around the world./ We pray to the Lord.

We continue our prayer for the hundreds of young girls who were kidnapped weeks ago in Nigeria./ We pray for those who lament their disappearance/ and ask for that change of heart which would see them released and returned to those who love them./ We pray to the Lord.

There are 33.3 million persons in the world who are displaced by war./ Hundreds of thousands of these are children whose youth is being stolen away./ For their care and stability./ We pray to the Lord.

Pope Francis will travel later this month to Jerusalem./ We pray for his safety/ and for fruitful meetings with Patriarch Bartholomew and Mr. Netanyahu./ We ask for the opening of hearts and minds as the pope speaks to the world./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray again for the countries of the world/ remembering today the people and lands of the Falkland Islands,/ Foroyar,/ Fiji,/ Finland,/ France,/ French Guiana and French Polynesia./ We pray to the Lord.

We prayerfully call to mind the sick,/ the unemployed and the poor,/ families which have lost their peace,/ and for the restoration of those who are depressed, angry or fearful./ We pray to the Lord.

Our world is sad with death./ We pray for those who have died/ aware that many die by war,/ disaster,/ terrorism or neglect./ We ask the Lord to share the fullness of life with each./ We pray to the Lord. 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

A Rosary for Young People ~ The Fifth Glorious Mystery ~ Mary is Queen

A queen's crown is a sign of her having inner spiritual light. It is a sign of honor, glory and beauty like the sun. A crown can also be a sign of being a champion - as Mary is a champion in saying "Welcome, Jesus" when it would have been so easy to say "No".

Hail Mary full of grace...

Mary is Queen and a queen sits on a throne. But more importantly, now MARY is the throne as the Infant Jesus sits on his Mother's lap. And from that throne Jesus looks out at our world. He smiles and blesses us.

Hail Mary, full of grace...

About 500 years ago all the flowers in England were given names to help us think of Mary. This flower is still named Marigold which means Mary's Gold. That's very lovely, isn't it?

Hail Mary, full of grace...

Saint Ambrose tells us that there are nine kinds or choirs of angels, each with its own name: Angels, Archangels, Thrones, Virtues, Powers, Dominions, Principalities, Cherubim, Seraphim. Even though each group serves God in its own way, they all call us to join the song of love around Jesus and Mary.

Hail Mary full of grace...

Our minds make a lot of thoughts each day. Some of the thoughts are kind and helpful, other thoughts might be nasty or small. Thoughts about Mary help to keep our thoughts good. Mary is called Regina Pacis - Queen of Peace. Let's place our thoughts under Mary's care, because the world needs peace very badly.

Hail Mary full of grace...

A lot of people wear unhappy faces everyday. On Easter morning, when Mary learned that Jesus had been raised from the dead, her smile must have been beautiful and great. Let's ask Mary to give us the smile of Easter Joy - not just at Easter, but everyday.

Hail Mary full of grace...

Mary is a queen for the whole world - showing people in every place how beautiful human beings can be when they love Her Son and are gentle, kind, generous and good.

Hail Mary full of grace...

Atmosphere is the air and the energy that is all around us. A spring atmosphere is soft and warm. When people are arguing the energy is troubled and negative. A new baby creates an atmosphere of quiet peace. Mary makes an atmosphere of joyful love around Jesus.

Hail Mary full of grace...

When mothers wipe away tears they sometimes say, "There now, don't cry." Mary understands tears, remember she stood under the cross of Jesus. She sees the tears of people all around the world. But she also cried tears of joy when Jesus rose from the dead on Easter morning. "I know. Don't cry. I am here with you," Mary says.

Hail Mary full of grace...

A good queen stays very close to her people in times of danger. During the Second World War night-time bombs dropped on London, England. Even though Queen Elizabeth could have gone to her country home away from danger, she stayed with her people. The next morning she went to see them to give them hope. Mary is like that for the whole world.

Hail Mary full of grace...

Glory be to the Father...

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

A Rosary for Young People ~ The Fourth Glorious Mystery ~ The Assumption of Mary

Our Father Who art in heaven...

When Mary died the apostles came together from many places to bury her. Here they hold  a long and beautiful cloth at her head and feet. They will wrap her carefully and with thankfulness in their hearts for having known her. She must have been like a mother to them all. And to us!

Hail Mary full of grace...

It seems that Thomas was far away when Mary died. When he arrived, Mary had already been buried. And so the apostles took him to Mary's grave. She had followed her Son to heaven. Flowers and a beautiful fragrance filled the air when her tomb was opened. Following Jesus is all about life! There is nothing to fear!

Hail Mary full of grace...

Assumption means taken up. Assumption is Mary's Easter. And so it is a time of flowers. Mary's Easter feast is celebrated on August 15, a time when the garden is giving one last big push of beauty. The flowers seem to say: There is an Easter for everyone - be glad about the life Jesus promises.

Hail Mary full of grace...

Mary is taken up into heaven - even in her body - and the angels are glad. The humans are glad too! Heaven is our forever home. The joy Jesus promised is for all of us.

Hail Mary full of grace...

In the painting Jesus blesses his Mother as he stands over her. She is asleep in death. But who is the little baby Jesus holds all dressed in white? It is Mary's soul. Every human being has a one of a kind soul. This is my inner person. It is the place where God has the deepest knowledge of who I am - a secret inside place very precious to God.

Hail Mary full of grace...

Some people say that Mary isn't important. Oh no! Mary makes an atmosphere around Jesus. She teaches us to be generous with God. Closeness to Mary is like stepping into a cloud of fresh and bright air. I want to be part of that life-breathing! 

Hail Mary full of grace...

Here is a picture of the grotto at Lourdes in France, where the Virgin Mary appeared to Bernadette eighteen times in 1858. Sometimes when Bernadette would ask a question, the Lady from Heaven would only smile. There's so much anger and crying ~ don't we need more smiles in our world?

Hail Mary full of grace...

Just as at Easter, the Assumption word is Alleluia! It reminds us of the sounds a baby makes who can't speak yet. There are no words to describe how wonderful friendship with God is.

Hail Mary full of grace...

Jesus said, "I call you my friends." And this is what Mary does in heaven now. She has entered the Father's House and experiences God's deepest friendship.

Hail Mary full of grace...

Mary is clothed with the sun. At Guadalupe in Mexico, when Mary appeared to Juan Diego, she stood in front of the sun. Nothing dims her brightness. She is walking towards us. Stop for a moment and imagine her greeting.

Hail Mary full of grace...

Glory be to the Father...

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

A Rosary for Young People ~ The Third Glorious Mystery ~ The Coming Down of the Holy Spirit ~ Pentecost

Our Father Who art in heaven...

Pentecost was a Jewish feast day celebrating the harvest  time when the fruit was ready be picked. Now the Spirit of Jesus comes to make us fruitful in good deeds that give glory to God.

Hail Mary full of grace...

God is the thing that matters most! And Pentecost, God's Holy Spirit came to the apostles with a great wind. What does this mean? God, like the wind, is everywhere. And so while God is to be met in my church and so wonderfully in Holy Communion, I will also meet God on the playground, at home with my family, wherever I see and hear what's beautiful.

Hail Mary full of grace...

A bright flame came down on the head of each apostle. What does this mean? Flames give light! I ask God's Holy Spirit to bring light to my mind so that I will think kind thoughts, helpful, loving thoughts of fairness and care for other people.

Hail Mary full of grace...

Flame also gives heat, doesn't it? I will ask the Holy Spirit to warm the hearts of the people of the whole world. I'll ask the Spirit to warm the hearts of people to love God. I'll ask the Spirit to warm the hearts of people to love those who are different. 

Hail Mary full of grace...

The apostles gathered in an upstairs room. Jesus was gone and they were not sure what to do. Then the strength of the Holy Spirit visited them and they went out to others. My upper room is in my heart. Surely the Holy Spirit will make it clear to me what to do for Jesus. 

Hail Mary full of grace...

When God made the first human beings a long time ago, he blew his God-breath into them and they became alive. When the Risen Easter-Jesus visited the apostles, who were very afraid, he exhaled a deep breath on them and they became hopeful, brave, joyful and ready to do anything for the love of God.

Hail Mary full of grace...

When the Holy Spirit came to the apostles they went out into Jerusalem, the Holy City. Peter stood up and spoke about Jesus, and all the people understood him even though they spoke different languages! Isn't that amazing? Peter made unity happen. Even though people have lots of different opinions and beliefs, we can make a unity of love. God would be very happy if we'd try that.

Hail Mary full of grace...

The Holy Spirit gives me wonderful powers. Some people only see what's bad and wrong with people. It causes them to dislike others. But at Baptism I was given the power to see God's Spirit present and working everywhere. I will look to see the goodness and beauty in people - even if they can't see it in themselves.

Hail Mary full of grace...

On Pentecost day, when the Holy Spirit came to the apostles, three-thousand people were converted. This means they turned their hearts and minds to accept Jesus. I'll be converted a little bit more today and tomorrow - each day more a true friend of Jesus.

Hail Mary full of grace...

In Baptism, like a flood, I was soaked with the Spirit-Life of Jesus. Every human person has a one-of-a-kind life given by God. I want to live my own life brightly and beautifully, as Jesus lived his own.

Hail Mary full of grace...

Glory be to the Father...